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Everglades Canoeing-Naples, Florida

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My friend Lee and I decided to take a canoe and explore the Florida Everglades-the largest remaining subtropical wilderness in the United States. It is the only place in the world where alligators and crocodiles coexist. While paddling through the Everglades, we saw a massive alligator sunning itself. It was the biggest alligator I have ever seen outside of a zoo. Unfortunately, it slipped into the water before we could get too close. The birds were also plentiful with several species making their presence known throughout our excursion. We saw a flock of roseate spoonbills, wood storks, great blue heron diving in the water for fish and a variety of egrets. Partial Photo Credits:Lee Lattier

Canoeing Florida Everglades
Mangroves Florida Everglades
Lee Lattier
Florida Everglades
Mangroves Florida Everglades
Florida Everglades Canoeing
Florida Everglades Canoeing
Florida Everglades Canoeing
Florida Everglades Canoeing
Florida Everglades Canoeing
Florida Everglades Canoeing
Florida Everglades Canoeing
Canoeing Florida Everglades
Florida Everglades Canoeing
Florida Everglades Canoeing

Golden Silk Orb-weaver spider
Golden Silk Orb-weaver spider
Golden Silk Orb-weaver spider
Florida Everglades

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  1. Seth Poplaski says:

    Aside from having that spider on your face, the Everglades look like a pretty rocking place to explore!

  2. Darcy Vawser says:

    hope that spider isn't poisonous! 🙂 what a beautiful area to explore!

  3. Leo says:

    Great Pictures Anna!!

  4. Lee Lattier says:

    Awesome day! Pictures came out great!

  5. Paul Gravdahl says:

    Looks like a great day! I just went canoeing on the Estero River and that was cool! Where was this?

  6. Lynne Basa says:

    Awesome time it looks you had but that spider oh my! You have more bravery then I! I hate spiders so! anyways awesome pictures as always my dear!

  7. Dustin Davis says:

    what a badass! way to rock the spider! you sure know how to have a good time.

  8. christina says:

    Wow thats a big spider!! I can’t believe you did that.

  9. carmen says:

    simply awesome !!!!! love it absolutely! and the spider! Oh my!

  10. Michael says:

    You’re pretty brave for in the water after seeing that big alligator, I’d be too scared.

    Nice sunglasses btw 😉

  11. Ron | Active Planet Travels says:

    Great pictures but only one thing: You’re crazy for putting that Banana Spider on your face! But then again, your site is called “Crazy in the Rain” 😛 lol

  12. Robert says:

    Awesome Pictures! I love the Everglades.

  13. mike says:

    Nice article! I didn’t know there was anywhere in the world where alligators and crocs lived side by side.

  14. Erin Bender (Travel With Bender) says:

    Your photos are so amazing!

  15. Jenna says:

    Looks like so much fun! Love the photos. We might have to do this one weekend! Everything except the spider 🙂 I think I’ll leave that out, lol! Sounds like a fun day!

  16. Jessica says:

    I love all your pictures, but I’m not sure how to feel about the spider picture It’s either really cool or horrifying.

  17. Bret @ GGT says:

    Great photos, Anna. Canoeing the Everglades is definitely on our travel bucket list. Hoping to set up a press trip there soon!

  18. Megan Claire says:

    Awesome pictures Anna! Also did canoeing through the everglades…although we had an inflatable canoe lol so I think you were a lot smarter than us – espec with those aligators 😀

  19. Afterglobe says:

    Beautiful pictures! Looks like you had a great time. Hope you knew for sure that spider was safe to put on your face, before you did.

  20. teresah says:

    Hi Anna – unfortunately none of the photos loaded 🙁

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