On my first time whale watching for Orcas I decided to go in Victoria, British Columbia with BC Whale Tours. I wasn’t sure if we would see any whales or not but I was really excited none the less. My friend John had never been before either. John and I chose to see outside on the back of the boat, it’s the most stable part and we wanted to take photos. The Victoria harbor is very picturesque.
I was obsessed with these colorful, quaint houses on the bay, what a neat place to live!
When we made it to the open water it started to get a lot chillier. We enjoyed being outside and taking in the scenery still.
This whale was the biggest whale, the fin is at least five feet high!The really cool thing about BC whale tours is that our informative captain Jim has been doing this for years and can recognize the whales by their markings. He also knows their entire family tree.
Before I was educated on keeping whales and dolphins in captivity I went to see them at Seaworld and let me tell you, this is how they are supposed to be!
Seeing the Orcas swim right up to our boat was surreal!