There’s a prevailing notion that discussing or posting about challenging topics on social media is futile because people are unlikely to change their beliefs. The argument is that real change takes years and happens through in-person conversations with individuals who are open to learning, as opposed to the often confrontational nature of online arguments. In light of this perspective, the question arises: why bother engaging in activism on social media?
Having radically shifted the deeply ingrained beliefs I was raised with, I can attest to how impactful social media can be. Talking in person isn’t the only way to effect change in someone’s beliefs.
When I was in my Christian Conservative bubble, often times the only time I was exposed to opposing viewpoints was on Facebook when someone expressed conservative comments, and a more liberal individual took the initiative to provide them with explanations and fact-checking. Since I wasn’t actively participating, quietly observing these conversations allowed me to be less defensive and more open to alternative ideas.
I agree that it can take years for someone to change deeply imbedded beliefs. It’s not going to be one social media post that changes their mind. It will be many things added together over time, a scene in a show, a conversation with a friend, several social media posts, articles, etc.
That being said – a single social media post holds the potential to make a substantial impact, creating ripples that extend to everyone in their lives.

Changing beliefs tied to your identity is hard but I have found there is a lot you can do to encourage someone to examine their values, beliefs and actions:
1. Use sound arguments: research your topic thoroughly and be prepared to share your sources.
2. Clear presentation: Use spacing and paragraphs, no one likes a massive wall of text. This is a great free formatting tool which works for Instagram and Facebook posts and comments.
3. Don’t come in hot and try to convince the other person. Instead, invest time in learning about their perspective and why it’s important to them. Ask them questions and point out any common values you both share. Say things like “What do you mean by that?”. Ask them for specifics.
Ask them more open ended questions too: “Have you ever considered…?” or “What led you to think that way?”This only works if you authentically want to hear them out.
4. Rather than overtly attacking their belief, focus on the reasoning behind it.
5. Show empathy and demonstrate that you understand why they have certain beliefs even if you don’t agree with them.
6. Ask them “What facts or information would change your mind?”
7. Be ‘right’ with kindness. Share how you once used to think something similar or say “I know these issues are really complicated. We’re all doing the best we can with the information we have.”
8. Be willing to admit when you are wrong and what you’ve learned from the other person.
9. Offer to read an article or watch a documentary of their choosing and in exchange they’ll read or watch something that you pick!
10. Be able to phrase your points in easy to understand language, be able to break down any academic language with a clear explanation.
11. It’s okay to end a conversation. Check in with yourself when you need a break on social media and step away when needed.
Remember, changing deeply ingrained beliefs is a process that unfolds over time, and the goal is not necessarily to make someone abandon their beliefs entirely, but rather to foster an open-minded and reflective mindset. Engaging in thoughtful discussions challenges your own patterns, encourages critical thinking and empathy.

Now is the time more than ever to speak up about what we believe in. Whether you have 10 followers or 100,000 it’s important to use your platform to stand for what is right. Keep sharing resources, amplifying marginalized voices, and engaging in the challenging work of conversations, both in real life and in the comments. You never know the impact you could have! People you know are more inclined to listen to YOU over those they don’t know.
Maybe you feel like you don’t fully understand everything, you might say something wrong-that’s okay! You’ll learn! We are all learning. None of us have all the answers. Maybe you feel like you don’t have the words inside of you-you do! Send me anything you want to share if you want some feedback first! I am happy to point you to resources on whatever topic you’d like to learn more about.
We need to learn how to fit anti-racism and other forms of activism into our every day lives. I understand with many of my influencer friends that this might be “off brand” for you, but find a way to fit it in your brand! I’m offering a free 30-minute consulting session if you want to learn how to integrate activism into your content! Feel free to share!
Believe me when I say that your marginalized friends and followers are watching and taking note of those who are silent. Maybe you are worried people will think you’re being performative, as my friend Rich Hackman told me-show up and keep showing up. Protest if you can!
Send kind and encouraging words to anyone you see who’s doing this work, especially those who have been doing it for a long time. Ask them how they are doing. We need each other.
Silence is a luxury we cannot afford. Our words possess the power to initiate positive change and inspire action! In this crucial moment in history, it’s imperative that we unite to combat oppression, instigate lasting change, and strive for a better world for all!
Please drop any tips you might have in the comments below on navigating conversations with individuals who hold different beliefs than you!